Treatment for crooked teeth
Boost your confidence and smile
Having one or multiple crooked teeth is common and for many people it reduces their confidence whilst at work or socialising. Fortunately there are many options for patients to choose from when it comes to straightening their teeth.
Invisalign clear braces
Many patients assume that to straighten their teeth they will need to wear a brace but that is no longer the case. Removable applicances such as Invisalign are an increasingly common method of straightening mild cases of crooked teeth. Invisalign are sets of transparent, custom made plastic aligners that gradually straighten your teeth without the need for visible braces.
Incognito lingual braces
Incognito braces allow you to effectively straighten your teeth in a discreet manner. The braces made of gold and placed behind your teeth so nobody will see them and they'll be highly resiliant to damage. If you have a more severe case of crooked teeth but wish for treatment to go unnoticed then incognito lingual braces are a good option.
Fixed braces
When people think of braces they're usually visualising fixed braces. Fixed braces are used for the most severe of case but due to their affordability they're used for milder cases as well. They involve a brace being fixed to your teeth and a wire running across the front of your teeth. If your conscious about your appearance then there are options to change the colour of the brace and opt for clear wires or ceramic materials.
Specialist treatment
To get the best results you'll need to see an orthodontic specialist. If you would like to learn more about what treatment we can do for you then we can provide a consultation with Dr Erik Osborne who is our resident orthodontic specialist.
Per arch
Invisalign clear braces

Incognito lingual braces

Fixed braces

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