Dental Extractions
Why extract a tooth?
Common reasons for extracting teeth include
Excessive damage from physical impact or decay
A tooth may pose a hygiene risk to one or more teeth
The shape or growth of a tooth may create regular and significant discomfort to surrounding tissue
Whilst we will always attempt to save your teeth using crowns, fillings, bone grafts and other treatments there are times when its just not possible.
What does a tooth extraction involve?
Imaging: Using an X-Ray we will generate an image of your tooth and its surrounding area to judge how best to approach the extraction of the tooth.
Medical history check: We will refer to your medical history record to check for anything that may complicate the extraction. At this point it is important to ensure that your medical history is up to date or to advise us if you are feeling unwell or taking other medication.
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Anaesthetic: To ensure your comfort during the extraction we will apply a local anaesthetic around the tooth.
Extraction: At this point we extract the tooth. Simple extractions involve teeth that we can see in your mouth. We use a tool called an "elevator" to loosen the tooth before removing it using some forceps. Complex extractions typically involve teeth that are broken below the jaw line. In this instance a small incision is required in your gum to access and remove the tooth.
Aftercare: Before leaving the clinic we will advise you as to how best care for the wound in your mouth. It is very important that you follow the instructions provided. Pain and a small amount of bleeding is normal after an extraction. We will advise you if a follow up appointment is required.